Action/Adventure Books

The Story of King Arthur in Twelve Tales

The Story of King Arthur in Twelve Tales by Winona Caroline Martin

The Story of King Arthur in Twelve Tales by Winona Caroline Martin

Of all the legends of bygone ages which we in the foremost ranks of time may call our own perhaps none have come to us so fraught with the spirit of lofty idealism as those which cluster about the figure of King Arthur of Britain and the mystic Quest of the Holy Grail.

In their devious wanderings down the centuries they have gradually been purified of all original coarseness while still retaining that wonderful charm and simplicity which belongs to the tales of the childhood of the race. Furthermore, upon the lips of many a bard, both ancient and modern, they have become literature, so that they are now the rightful heritage of the child of to-day and should, in one form or another, find a place in every class room as supplementary reading at least.

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